2015 Mt. Evans Ascent

Starting at about 6:30 AM at the Echo Lake visitors’ center, members of Intermountain Repeater Group were on-site to provide communication assistance, along with Alpine Rescue, for the Mt. Evans Ascent foot race. First on the scene were KB1SGJ – Norm, KE0SJ – Bob , and N0OCL – Carmen. Bob & Carmen took the portable repeater up to the summit, later accompanied by WY0J – Jan. Manning the aid stations along the way, and the race start line, were KD0MEX – Tim and his wife, Jennifer, KD0YMG – Jed, KD0LZB – Ken and his wife, Betty, and W0SBS – Tony. Norm stayed at the bottom, coordinating with race personnel there. While a few of us left once our station duties were finished, we had radio operators on the mountain until 2PM.

Here is the action at aid station 6

Evans 2015 Aid Station 6
Evans 2015 Aid Station 6

We had great weather all day, and communications using the repeater worked quite well. Five of the Alpine Rescue volunteers on site are also ham radio operators, so we were able to communicate very well with them, which made for an easy time coordinating race activities.

Thanks to everyone who volunteered their time.

9News has some coverage of the Mt Evans Ascent.